Happy National Watermelon Day! Watermelon is my favorite summer fruit. It’s hydrating, refreshing and sweet. It’s a large fruit and can easily get away from you, so in honor of this momentous occasion, I’m going to show you my favorite way to cut one up.
Start off by standing on one end, stem side up, and cut right down the middle. Mine was pretty flat on the top and bottom, but if it’s not, slice a little off the top and bottom to create a more stable surface.
Now we have to halves.
Place those face down on the cutting board, and slice in half again, with the stripes of the fruit.
Now you have something that resembles a boat. Slice down from the top to make even vertical slices all the way to the rind.
Now make a few horizontal slices, again all the way to the rind.
Carefully take your knife and run it along the rind as close as you can get.
Keep going all the way through the fruit.
And just like that, your watermelon chunks com right off. Repeat the process with the rest of the watermelon slices.
Now get out to the store, pick up a big juicy Watermelon and celebrate its National Holiday right!
One of my favorite summertime fruits too! We usually have two or three chilling in a big bucket of ice when we BBQ or have company visiting. They are so ripe here in Florida (grown here) I love them…
They’re so delicious! Happy Monday 🙂
Hahaha! :))) Now, that’s REALLY funny! I wish I knew this a few hours earlier. In this afternoon, I made myself a fresh juice out of watermelon, lemons and sparkling water (new recipe to come), and I got annoyed by the cutting process. 🙂 Well, another lesson learned. Thank you, Sarah! I will mention you in my future post. Xoxo
Haha, too funny! Can’t wait for the recipe 🙂
I always make the hubs cut my watermelon because I hate it so much! I currently have a gigantic one sitting on the counter staring me in the face daring me to try this out. Here goes nothing!
You can do it! Let me know how it goes 🙂